International public health policy and ethics / Michael Boylan, editor


Edited by Springer. [Dordrecht] - 2008

International public health, morality, politics, poverty, war, disease / Michael Boylan. Pt. 1. Morality and politics. Personal or public health / Muireann Quigley, John Harris. Exploring the philosophical foundations of the human rights approach to International public health ethics / Kristen Hessler. Moral interests, privacy, and medical research / Deryck Beyleveld, Shaun D. Pattinson. Torture and public health / Wanda Teays. Exporting the Culture of Life / Laura Purdy. Pt. II. Money and poverty. International health inequalities and global justice / Norman Daniels. Poverty, human rights, and just distribution / John-Stewart Gordon. Why should we help the poor / Christian Illies. Health care justice, the social insurance approach / David Cummiskey. Investments, universal ownership, and public health / Henrik Syse. Pt. III. Medical need and response. Toward control of infectious disease / Margaret P. Battin ... [et al.]. Shaping ethical guidelines for an influenze pandemic / Rosemarie Tong. TB matters more / Michael J. Selgelid, Paul M. Kelly, Adrian Sleigh. Ethics of management of gender atypical organisation in children and adolescents / Simona Giordano. Clean water / Michael Boyland.

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