Power, politics, and society : an introduction to political sociology / Betty A. Dobratz, Lisa K. Waldner, Timothy Buzzell


Dobratz, Betty A. (1947-....) - sociologue. Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2019

Power, politics, and society: an introduction to political sociology discusses how sociologists have organized the study of politics into conceptual frameworks, and how each of these frameworks foster a sociological perspective on power and politics in society. This includes discussing how these frameworks can be applied to understanding current issues and other "real-life" aspects of politics. The second edition incorporates new material on cultural divides in American politics, emerging roles for the state, the ongoing effects of the Great Recession and recovery, the 2016 elections, social media, and the various policies introduced during the Trump administration and how they affect people's lives

Power. Role of the state. Politics, culture, and social processes. The politics of everyday life: political economy. The politics of everyday life: social institutions and social relations. Political participation. Elections and voting. Social movements. Violence and terrorism. Globalization.

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