The health care professional as friend and healer : building on the work of Edmund D. Pellegrino / David C. Thomasma, Judith Lee Kissell, editors


Edited by Georgetown University Press - 2000

A profession of trust : reflections on a fundamental virtue / Leo J. O'Donovan, S.J.. The physician-patient relationship / G. Kevin Donovan. Friendship as an ideal for the patient-physician relationahsip : a critique and an alternative / F. Daniel Davis. The dentist as healer and friend / Jos V.M. Welie. Learning through experience and expression : skillful ethical comportment in nursing practice / Patricia Benner. Engendering trust in a pluralistic society / Marian Gray Secundy and Rodger L. Jackson. Internal and external sources of morality for medicine / Robert M. Veatch. Doctoring and the (neglected) virtue of self-forgiveness / Jeffrey Blustein. Moral courage : unsung resource for health professional as healer and friend / Ruth B. Purtillo. The six transformations of American health care / John Collins Harvey. The principle of dominion / David C. Thomasma. Organizational ethics and the medical professional : reappraising roles and responsibilities / George Khushf. Reproductive technologies : where are we headed? / Richard A. McCormick, S.J.. The search for the meaning of the human body / Judith Lee Kissell. Healing and dying : spiritual issues in the care of the dying patient / Daniel P. Sulmasy, O.F.M.. Prophet to the profession : healing and physician-assisted suicide / Courtney S. Campbell. The role of reason, emotion, and aesthetics in making ethical judgments / Erich H. Loewy. The contribution of philosophical hermeneutics to clinical ethics / Lazare Benaroyo. Money, medicine, and morals / William S. Andereck. Theology and bioethics / Richard A. McCormick, S.J.. Teaching the humanities in American medical schools during the twentieth century : a commentary on the two dominant models / Chester R. Burns. Reflections on the humanities and medical education : balancing history, theory, and practice / Thomas K. McElhinney. Religious elements in healing / Glenn C. Graber and Bradford R. Smith.

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