Global bioethics : the collapse of consensus / edited by H. Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.


Engelhardt, Hugh Tristram (1941-2018). Éditeur scientifique

Edited by M & M Scrivener Press. Salem, MA - 2006

Tables : Stephen Erickson: Foreword Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.: Introduction (Download a PDF of this chapter) Tristram Engelhardt, Jr.: The Search for a Global Morality: Bioethics, the Culture Wars, and Moral Diversity Corinna Delkeskamp-Hayes: Implementing Health Care Rights versus Imposing Health Care Cultures: Tolerance Limits, Kant’s Rationality, and the Moral Pitfalls of International Bioethics Standardization Mark Cherry: Preserving the Possibility for Liberty in Health Care Nicholas Capaldi: Manifesto. Moral Diversity in Health Care Ethics Julia TAO Lai Po-wah: A Confucian Approach to a "Shared Family-Decision Model" in Health Care: Reflections on Moral Pluralism Kurt Schmidt: Lost in Translation – Bridging Gaps through Procedural Norms. Comments on the Papers of Capaldi and Tao Kurt Bayertz: Struggling for Consensus and Living Without It. The Construction of a Common European Bioethics Angelo Maria Petroni: Perspectives for Freedom of Choice in Bioethics and Health Care in Europe Ruping Fan: Bioethics: Globalization, Communitization, or Localization? Joseph Boyle: The Bioethics Of Global Biomedicine: A Natural Law Reflection David Solomon: Domestic Disarray and Imperial Ambition: Contemporary Applied Ethics and the Prospects for Global Bioethics Kevin Wm. Wildes, S.J.: Global and Particular Bioethics

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