Hosea : the word of the lord that happened to Hosea / Eugen J. Pentiuc, Gad Barnea, Étienne Méténier béat., Łukasz Popko,...


Pentiuc, Eugen J. (1955-....). Auteur | Barnea, Gad. Auteur | Méténier, Étienne. Auteur | Popko, Łukasz. Auteur

Edited by Peeters - 2017

According to the Talmud, "four prophets prophesied in one age and the greatest of all of them was Hosea." The book of Hosea is in fact a key to the Hebrew Bible, a unique witness to the antiquity of Scripture, as it offers a number of the oldest testimonies to various traditions, such as the Exodus, the Decalogue, as well as patriarchal legends such as the cycle of Jacob. But Hosea is much more than a deposit of ancient traditions. Hosea's prophecy harbors phrases that have transformed the image of God forever. Far from the immobile first mover of Greek philosophy, this is the heart of a passionate God who pours out his feelings that are turned upside down with humanity in these inspired pages. For the first time the four great versions in which this Word has gone through the centuries - the Masoretic text, the Septuagint, the Vulgate and the Peshitta - have been collated and translated into English on a same page. This is accompanied by annotations that allow one to hear echoes throughout various periods, confessions and disciplines, from textual criticism to films, as well as Jewish and Christian traditions, literature, painting and music

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