Modernize your resume : get noticed ... get hired / master resume writers Wendy Enelow & Louise Kursmark


Enelow, Wendy S. (1956-....). Auteur | Kursmark, Louise M. (19..-....) - auteur. Auteur

Edited by Emerald Career Publishing - 2023

Modernize Your Resume: Get Noticed ... Get Hired (3rd Edition) shares the latest and most powerful resume writing, format, and design strategies that work in today’s online, mobile, technology-based employment landscape. The 3rd edition has been updated with new samples and new ATS and e-resume guidelines, along with new chapters on LinkedIn profiles and resumes for gig/freelance workers. In addition to all of the content, the book also includes 100+ resume and LinkedIn samples, a career vault to collect and store all of your resume information, a goal-setting worksheet to clarify your objectives, dig-deep questions to uncover your achievements, and 400+ verbs to rev up the vibrancy of your resume. A must-read for every job seeker—from college graduates to mid-career professionals to senior executives in every industry and profession—the book focuses on writing for today’s readers, creating attention-getting and memorable content, selecting the right format to best showcase your career, and adding design elements to gain a competitive advantage.

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