Working as equals : relational egalitarianism and the workplace / edited by Julian David Jonker and Grant J. Rozeboom


Edité par Oxford University Press - 2023

This volume of essays by leading moral and political philosophers explores questions about justice in the workplace and contributes to lively debates about work taking place within political philosophy and business ethics. The essays push the relational egalitarian tradition in new directions, helping to show its promise and its limits. At a time of widening inequality and rapid change in the nature of work, the volume addresses issues of current and future concern
"Relational egalitarians propose that the ideal of equality is primarily an ideal of social relations. Yet contemporary workplaces are characterized by hierarchical employer-employee relationships. This raises an urgent practical question: are the employment relationship and other workplace arrangements consistent with the relational egalitarian ideal? That in turn raises a theoretical question: what precisely does relational equality consist in? This book collects papers by moral and political philosophers and normative business ethicists addressing these questions, which are particularly urgent at a time of widening inequality and rapid changes in the nature of work. Contemporary moral and political philosophy has not paid enough attention to the workplace as a site where political power is wielded and questions of moral standing are raised. Business ethics has not paid enough attention to whether and how the relational egalitarian ideal applies to the ethics of workplace arrangements and organizational leadership. Bringing the relational egalitarian ideal to bear on the workplace promises to address these shortcomings. To this end, the contributors to this book respond to two overarching questions. First, they consider whether the relational egalitarian ideal really applies to the workplace; and second, they consider what workplace relations and workplace actors would have to be like in order to realize this ideal. In examining these two questions, the contributors illuminate a number of fraught topics: religious liberty and worker entitlements, the comparative view of discrimination, the distribution of human capital, the value of self-employment, the legitimacy of employer directives, and the ideological underpinnings of hierarchy"--

Foreword / Elizabeth Anderson. Introduction / Grant J. Rozeboom and Julian David Jonker. What is wrong with the commodification of human labor power : the argument from "democratic character" / Debra Satz. An objection to workplace hierarchy itself? / Niko Kolodny. Seeing like a firm : social equality, conservatism, and the aesthetics of inequality / Pierre-Yves Néron. Self-employment and independence / Iñigo González Ricoy. Hobby Lobby and the moral structure of the employee-employer relationship / David Silver. Justice in human capital / Michael Cholbi. Can employers discriminate without treating some employees worse than others? discrimination, the comparative view, and relational equality / Kasper Lippert-Rasmussen. A cooperative paradigm of employment / Sabine Tsuruda. The workplace as a cooperative institution / Julian David Jonker. Relational egalitarianism, institutionalism, and workplace hierarchy / Brian Berkey. Good enough for equality / Grant J. Rozeboom.

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