Green and sustainable finance : principles and practice / Simon Thompson


Thompson, Simon (19..-....) - banquier. Auteur

Edited by Kogan Page Limited - 2023

To achieve society's goals, as set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, the finance sector has a crucial role to play in driving sustainable business and the transition to a net zero economy. To achieve this change, it is vital for the finance sector to allocate capital to the firms, investments and activities looking to create a more sustainable world. Green and Sustainable Finance offers a comprehensive guide to green and sustainable principles and practice in banking, investment and insurance to help finance professionals manage sustainability risks and support their clients and customers in transition. Given the need for urgent, rapid and sustained change, it is essential that all finance professionals understand and apply these principles so that every professional financial decision takes account of sustainability. Written by the CEO of the Chartered Banker Institute this fully updated second edition includes the most recent assessments of climate science from the IPCC, extended coverage of sustainability reporting and carbon accounting, and regulatory and market developments in sustainability risk management. It also features material on the rapid growth of sustainable lending and investment and the latest finance sector alliances and initiatives. Endorsed by the Chartered Banker Institute as the core text for the global benchmark Certificate in Green and Sustainable Finance, this book is essential reading for finance professionals, university students and individuals working to embed sustainability in business, finance, policy and regulation

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