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Chaos reconsidered : the liberal order and the future of international politics / edited by Robert Jervis, Stacie Goddard, Diane N. Labrosse and Joshua Rovner.
What does the future hold for the international order? In 'Chaos Reconsidered', leading scholars assess the domestic and global effects of the Trump and Biden presidencies.
Introduction, by Robert Jervis, Diane N. Labrosse, Stacie E. Goddard, and Joshua RovnerPart I. Trump and International Relations Theory1. The Trump Experiment: An Assessment, by Robert Jervis2. Trump Huffed and Puffed, and Liberal International Relations Theory Blew Down, by Michael N. Barnett3. America First? The Erosion of American Status Under Trump, by Michelle Murray4. Has Trump Changed How We Think About American Security?, by Deborah Avant5. Trump's Realism, by Randall SchwellerPart II. America First6. When Donald Met Washington: The Genesis of "Great-Power Competition", by Emma Ashford7. What Trump's Nationalism Ended Up Looking Like, by Thomas W. Zeiler8. Trump's Presidency as History, by Ryan Irwin9. Globalism and U.S. Foreign Relations After Trump, by Frank Ninkovich10. The Derangements of Sovereignty: Trumpism and the Dilemmas of Interdependence, by Samuel Zipp11. The Trump Presidency in Historical Perspective, by John A. ThompsonPart III. American Institutions and Alliances After Trump12. Presidents, Precedents, and the Laws of War, by Matthew Evangelista13. Trump to the Intelligence Community: You're Fired, by Richard Immerman14. The Trump Administration and Economic Sanctions, by Nicholas Mulder15. Donald Trump and the Terrible, Horrible, No-Good, Very Bad Deal, by Susan Colbourn16. Trump's Transactional Follies: The Consequences of Treating the Arms Trade Like a Business, by Jennifer SpindelPart IV. Trump Abroad17. Trump and Russia: Less Than Meets the Eye, by Angela Stent18. Trump and U.S.-China Strategic Competition as the "New" Normal, by Jonathan DiCicco19. Engage? Trump and the Asia-Pacific, by Dayna Barnes20. Riding the Rollercoaster: India and the Trump Years, by Tanvi Madan21. Swaggering Home: Trump, Grenell, and Pompeo in Conflict with Germany, by William Gray22. Death-Grip Handshakes and Flattery Diplomacy: The Macron-Trump Connection and Its Larger Implications for Alliance Politics, by Kathryn Statler23. "Mr. Brexit": Donald Trump and the United Kingdom's Departure from the European Union, by Lindsay Aqui24. The Trump Administration and the Middle East: Not Much Change, Not Much Success, by F. Gregory Gause III25. Fences Make Bad Hombres: Trump and Latin America, by Christy ThorntonPart V. The Expanding Meaning of International Security: Human Rights, Racial Justice, and COVID-1926. "Shithole Countries": Was Trump's Foreign Policy Racist?, by William I. Hitchcock27. Rethinking Vulnerability: Structural Inequality as National Insecurity, by Jason Ludwig and Rebecca Slayton28. Lifting the Veil on Racial Capitalism: American Foreign Policy Before and After Trump, by Nivi Manchanda29. Racialized Threats and Security Rationales in U.S. Immigration Policies, by Audie Klotz30. The Trump Presidency, the Question of Palestine, and Biden's Business as Usual, by A. Dirk Moses and Victor Kattan31. The Trump Administration's Insidious Approach to Human Rights, by Sarah B. SnyderPart VI. Is Liberal Internationalism Still Alive?32. Trump's Foreign Policy Legacy, by Joshua Busby and Jonathan Monten33. "America First" Meets Liberal Internationalism, by Stephen Chaudoin, Helen V. Milner, and Dustin Tingley34. Liberal Internationalism and Partisan Conflict in the Post-Trump United States, by George N. Georgarakis and Robert Y. ShapiroPart VII. Looking Forward: The Prospects for Joe Biden's Presidency 35. The Biden Administration and Russia: Deeper Into a U.S.-Russia Cold War, by Robert Legvold36. Joe Biden, American Democracy, and the China Challenge, by James Goldgeier37. Transatlantic Relations After Trump: Mutual Perceptions and Strategy in Historical Perspective, by Alessandro Brogi38. One Eye on the Rearview Mirror: The Middle East from Trump to Biden, by James Stocker39. Reclaiming America and Its Place in the World, by Elizabeth EconomyPart VIII. Coda40. World History, the American President, and the Gibbon Paradox, by Jeremy Adelman41. Trump's Limited Legacy, by Lawrence Freedman42. American Constraints: Trump's "Legacy" or Inexorable History, by Charles S. Maier43. Making Trump History, by Martin ConwayList of ContributorsIndex.