The power of difference : where the complexities of diversity and inclusion meet practical solutions / Simon Fanshawe


Fanshawe, Simon (19..-). Auteur

Edited by Kogan Page - 2022

In the top 300 jobs in the FTSE 100 there are more men called John, David and Andrew than there are women and people from black and Asian backgrounds. Are men with these names really all the 'best person' for the job or are they all a little bit the same? Hiring managers and recruiters are looking for candidates in the same pool but this won't create success. It is the difference in the candidates that drives the best business results. The Power of Difference shows HR professionals and managers how to assess business goals and identify what combination of difference in the workforce will deliver these results. There is expert guidance on how to build diversity into the overall talent strategy, how to measure diversity and inclusion accurately (and it's not by counting the number of women or people from a BAME background), how to design and describe job roles to attract the people the organization needs and how to combine this difference to build a top performing team. Packed full of advice from a leading voice in this area, The Power of Difference explains how to focus on the diversity dividend not just the diversity deficit. Full of examples of what building a diverse workforce means in practice, this book also explains why inclusion is not about being nice to people, it's about employees being heard. Supported by case studies from Costa Coffee, Marks and Spencer, GCHQ and Centrica as well as practical takeaways at the end of each chapter, this is the book that every HR professional needs to improve business performance by building a truly diverse workforce.

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