Human flourishing in an age of gene editing / edited by Erik Parens, Josephine Johnston.


Edited by Oxford University Press. New York - 2019

The potential use of CRISPR-Cas9 and other new gene editing technologies to alter the DNA of human beings raises a host of questions. Some questions are about safety: Can these technologies be deployed without posing an unreasonable risk of physical harm to current and future generations? Can all physical risks be adequately assessed and responsibly managed? Gene editing technologies also raise other, equally if not more difficult, questions that touch on deeply held, personal, cultural, and societal values: Might such technologies redefine what it means to be healthy, normal, or cherished? Might they undermine relationships between parents and children or exacerbate the gap between the haves and have-nots? The broadest form of this second kind of question about the impact of gene editing on values is the focus of this work.

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