The politics of the European Union / Herman Lelieveldt, Sebastiaan Princen.


Lelieveldt, Herman (1967-....)

This textbook introduces undergraduate and graduate students to the politics of the European Union using a comparative politics approach. This enables students to utilize their knowledge of domestic politics in understanding the EU and better grasp the specific character of its politics.

List of figures; List of maps; List of tables; List of briefings; List of fact files; List of controversies; Preface; Acknowledgements; List of abbreviations and acronyms; List of country abbreviations used in tables and figures; Part I. Setting the Scene: Origins, Analytical Perspectives and Institutions; 1. The historical development of the EU; 2. Analysing the EU; 3. The institutional framework; 4. Legislation and decision-making: putting the institutional puzzle together; Part II. Key Actors in EU Politics: Citizens, Interest Groups and Political Parties; 5. Public opinion and political participation; 6. Interest groups and interest representation; 7. Political parties and the European Parliament; Part III. EU Policies: Agenda-Setting, Decision-Making and Implementation; 8. An overview of EU policy-making; 9. Agenda-setting; 10. Decision-making; 11. Implementing policies; Conclusions and Reflections; 12. Reflecting on the EU as a political system; Key terms and concepts; Index..

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