Crises and challenges for the European Union / edited by Mark Rhinard, Neill Nugent, William E. Paterson.


The crises of the European Union extend beyond the challenges of Covid-19, Brexit, the Eurozone, and mass migration, cutting to the core of the EU itself. Taking a structural rather than event-based approach, this text unpacks all aspects of the EU in crisis and analyses the implications of these crises for the EU and its member states. This edition argues that crises and challenges are no longer unique and discreet events facing the EU, but rather, they are better understood as sustained conditions that have changed the relationships between member states, the functioning of institutions, the nature of public engagement and the prospects for integration. Chapters broach institutional issues as well as specific policy challenges, covering questions of legitimacy and leadership and offering a full chapter on democracy and Euroscepticism. Working within both historical and theoretical frameworks, this is the perfect companion for those studying and researching contemporary challenges facing the EU, European integration, political crisis management and transboundary crises more broadly.

1. Introduction: moving crises to the centre of the agenda, Neill Nugent, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; William E. Paterson, Birmingham University, UK; Mark Rhinard, Stockholm University, Sweden -- PART I: Theorising and Conceptualising Crises and Challenges in the EU -- 2. Crisification and the Future of the European Union Polity, Mark Rhinard, Stockholm University, Sweden -- 3. European Integration Theory and Crises, Frank Schimmelfennig, ETH Zurich, Switzerland -- 4. A Crisis Management Perspective on the European Union, Eva-Karin Gardell, Swedish Defense University, Sweden; Mark Rhinard, Stockholm University, Sweden -- PART II: Crises in the EU -- 5. A History of Crises in the EU, Jeffrey, J. Anderson, Georgetown University, USA -- 6. The Eurozone Crisis: from crisis to resilience? Joachim Schild, Trier University, Germany -- 7. The Brexit Crisis: a crisis for whom?, Lee McGowan and David Phinnemore, Queen's University Belfast, UK -- 8. The Migration Crisis: the EU's evolving approach to border management, Laurie Buonanno, State University of New York, USA -- 9. The Covid-19 Crisis: a case of Franco-German-led crisis management, Douglas Webber, INSEAD, France -- 10. The Climate Crisis: a creeping catastrophe for the EU, Jeremy F. G. Moulton, University of York, UK; Charlotte Burns, University of Sheffield, UK -- 11. The Ukraine Crisis: Russia, the European Union, and the Unstable East, Wolfgang Seibel, University of Konstanz, Germany -- PART III: Challenges for the EU -- 12. The Democracy Challenge in Central Europe: backsliding or repoliticisation? Jakub Eberle, Institute of International Relations Prague, Czech Republic; Daniel Sitera, Institute of International Relations Prague, Czech Republic -- 13. The Legitimacy Challenge: Euroscepticism as an embedded element of the EU, Simon Usherwood, University of Surrey, UK -- 14. The Leadership Challenge: problems and prospects of Franco-German leadership, Simon J. Bulmer, University of Sheffield, UK; William E. Paterson, University of Birmingham, UK -- 15. The Institutional Challenge: crises and the EU's institutions, political actors, and processes, Neill Nugent, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK -- 16. The External Challenge: crises and the EU's quest for strategic autonomy, Michael Smith, University of Warwick, UK -- 17. The Health Policy Challenge: from crisis to union, Eleanor Brooks, University of Edinburgh, UK; Anniek de Ruijter, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands; Scott L. Greer, University of Michigan, USA; Sarah Rozenblum, University of Michigan, USA -- PART IV: Future Prospects -- 18. The Survival of the European Union: the other faces of European disintegration, Hans Vollaard, Utrecht University, Netherlands -- 19. Conclusion: the future of the EU in a world of crises, Neill Nugent, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK; William E. Paterson, University of Birmingham, UK; Mark Rhinard, Stockholm University, Sweden.

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