Global business today / Charles W. L. Hill


Hill, Charles W. L.. Auteur

Edited by McGraw Hill LLC - 2024

"Global Business Today sets the standard for undergraduate and graduate level International Business courses. It remains relevant, practical, and integrated, featuring a logical flow of topics. Its success is attributed to incorporating cutting-edge research, utilizing up-to-date examples and statistics, and discussing current events within relevant theories. The 2024 Release builds on these strengths by: 1) Integrating new insights from scholarly research; 2) Ensuring comprehensive coverage of relevant issues; 3) Keeping the content current with recent events, statistics, and examples; 4) Introducing new and insightful opening and closing cases in most chapters; 5) Including global EDGE™ features in every chapter; 6) Linking each chapter to a focus on managerial implications." (source :

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