The Routledge companion to the Frankfurt School / edited by Peter E. Gordon, Espen Hammer, Axel Honneth.


The Routledge Companion to the Frankfurt School addresses the many early concerns of critical theory and brings those concerns into direct engagement with our shared world today. In this volume, a distinguished group of international scholars from a variety of disciplines revisits the philosophical and political contributions

Part I: Basic Concepts 1. The Idea of Instrumental Reason J.M. Bernstein 2. The Idea of the Culture Industry Juliane Rebentisch and Felix Trautmann 3. Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory Joel Whitebook 4. The Philosophy of History Martin Shuster 5. Discourse Ethics Maeve Cooke 6. The Theory of Recognition in the Frankfurt School Timo Jtten 7. History as Critique: Walter Benjamin Eli Friedlander 8. Topographies of Culture: Siegfried Kracauer Andreas Huyssen 9. History and Transcendence in Adorno's Idea of Truth Lambert Zuidervaart Part II: Historical Themes 10. Ungrounded: Horkheimer and the Founding of the Frankfurt School Martin Jay 11. Revisiting Max Horkheimer's Early Critical Theory John Abromeit 12. The Frankfurt School and the Assessment of Nazism Udi Greenberg 13. The Frankfurt School and Antisemitism Jack Jacobs 14. The Frankfurt School and the Experience of Exile Thomas Wheatland 15. Critical Theory and the Unfinished Project of Mediating Theory and Practice Robin Celikates 16. The Frankfurt School and the West German Student Movement Hans Kundnani Part III: Affinities and Contestations 17. Lukcs and the Frankfurt School Titus Stahl 18. Nietzsche and the Frankfurt School David Owen 19. Weber and the Frankfurt School Dana Villa 20. Heidegger and the Frankfurt School Cristina Lafont 21. Arendt and the Frankfurt School Seyla Benhabib and Clara Picker 22. Marcuse and the Problem of Repression Brian O'Connor 23. Critical Theory and Poststructuralism Martin Saar 24. Habermas and Ordinary Language Philosophy Espen Hammer Part IV: Specifications 25. The Place of Mimesis in The Dialectic of Enlightenment Owen Hulatt 26. Adorno and Literature Iain Macdonald 27. Adorno, Music and Philosophy Max Paddison 28. Schelling and the Frankfurt School Peter Dews 29. Critical Theory and Social Pathology Fabian Freyenhagen 30. The Self and Individual Autonomy in the Frankfurt School Kenneth Baynes 31. The Habermas-Rawls Debate James Gordon Finlayson Part V: Prospects 32. Idealism, Realism, and Critical Theory Fred Rush 33. Critical Theory and the Environment Arne Johan Vetlesen 34. Critical Theory and the Law William E. Scheuerman 35. Critical Theory and Postcolonialism James D. Ingram 36. Critical Theory and Religion Peter E. Gordon 37. Critical Theory and Feminism Amy Allen 38. Critique, Crisis, and the Elusive Tribunal Judith Butler 39: Critique and Communication: Philosophy's Missions: A Conversation with Jrgen Habermas Interviewed by Michal Foessel.

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