Minḥah le-Naḥum : biblical and other studies presented to Nahum M. Sarna in honour of his 70th birthday / edited by Marc Brettler and Michael Fishbane


Edited by JSOT Press. Sheffield, England - 1993

Interpretation and prayer : notes on the composition of 1 Kings 8.15-53 / Marc Brettler. The Hebrew crusade chronicles and the Ashkenazic tradition / Gerson D. Cohen (deceased). The route of Jacob's funeral cortege and the problem of ʿEber Hayyarden (Genesis 50.10-11) / Aaron Demsky. Law to canon : some 'ideal-typical' stages of development / Michael Fishbane. R. Isaac Arama's philosophical exegesis of the golden calf episode / Marvin Fox. Menaḥem ben Aaron ibn Ẓemaḥ's anti-polygyny : Torah commentary from the Geniza / Mordechai A. Friedman. The holy scriptures defile the hands : the transformation of a biblical concept in rabbinic theology / Shamma Friedman. Reuben / Judah Goldin. The Aramaic incantation bowls in historic perspective / Cyrus H. Gordon. From the workshop of the new Jewish Publication Society Ketuvim translators / Moshe Greenberg and Jonas C. Greenfield. How modern are modern biblical studies? / Frederick E. Greenspahn. Disturbing the dead / William W. Hallo. 11QPsa and the canonical Book of Psalms / Menahem Haran.

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