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The new literary criticism and the Hebrew Bible / edited by J. Cheryl Exum and David J.A. Clines
Edited by JSOT Press - 1993
The new literary criticism / David J.A. Clines, J. Cheryl Exum. Good to the last drop: viewing the Sotah (Numbers 5.11-31) as the glass half empty and wondering how to view it half full / Alice Bach. Intertextuality and the book of Jeremiah: animadversions on text and theory / Robert P. Carroll. A world established on water (Psalm 24): reader-response, deconstruction and bespoke interpretation / David J.A. Clines. Who's afraid of "the endangered ancestress"? / J. Cheryl Exum. A reader-response approach to prophetic conflict: the case of Amos 7.10-17 / Francisco O. García-Treto. Ruth finds a home: canon, politics, method / David Jobling. Tracing the voice of the other: Isaiah 28 and the covenant with death / Francis Landy. Manasseh as villain and scapegoat / Stuart Lasine. Moses and David: myth and monarchy / Peter D. Miscall. Curses and kings: a reading of 2 Samuel 15-16 / Robert Polzin. Surviving writing: the anxiety of historiography in the former prophets / Hugh S. Pyper. Daughters and fathers in Genesis...: or, what is wrong with this picture? / Ilona N. Rashkow.
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