Biblical studies and the shifting of paradigms, 1850-1914 / edited by Henning Graf Reventlow and William Farmer


Reventlow, Henning - Graf. Directeur de publication | Farmer, William Reuben. Directeur de publication

Edited by Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield, Eng. - 1995

State Interesse and Markan primacy: 1870-1914 / William R. Farmer. H.J. Holtzmann and his European colleagues : aspects of the nineteenth-century European discussion of Gospel origins / David Barrett Peabody. The role of the Old Testament in the German liberal Protestant theology of the nineteenth century / Henning Graf Reventlow. The notion of historicism and 19th century theology / Gunter Scholtz. History as a case-study of the relations between university professors and the state in Germany / Christian Simon. Baron Friedrich von Hügel and the conveyance of German Protestant biblical criticism in Roman Catholic modernism / Hans Rollmann --The old faith and the new : the late theology of D.F. Strauss / Friedrich Wilhelm Graf. The intellectual background of H.H. Milman's The history of the Jews (1829) and its impact on English biblical scholarship / R.E. Clements. Appendix. Conditions and presuppositions of biblical criticism in Germany in the period of the Second Empire and before : the case of Heinrich Julius Holtzmann / Henning Graf Reventlow.

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