The Pitcher is broken : memorial essays for Gösta W. Ahlström / edited by Steven W. Holloway and Lowell K. Handy


Edited by Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield, England - 1995

Zephaniah ben Cushi and Cush of Benjamin : traces of Cushite presence in Syria-Palestine / Roger W. Anderson, Jr.. Discerning the time : Haggai, Zechariah and the 'delay' in the rebuilding of the Jerusalem Temple / Peter Ross Bedford. Inclusion in and exclusion from Israel as conveyed by the use of the term 'Israel" in post-monarchic biblical texts / Ehud Ben Zvi. Temple and bāmāh : some considerations / Janice E. Catron. Solomon's adversaries Hadad, Rezon and Jeroboam : a trio of 'bad guy' characters illustrating the theology of immediate retribution / Diana V. Edelman. Cult images, royal policies and the origins of aniconism / Carl D. Evans. Site planning and subsistence economy : Negev settlements as a case study / Israel Finkelstein and Yitzhak Zilberman. United monarchy--divided monarchy : fact or fiction? / Margaret M. Gelinas. 'Cush' in Zephaniah / Robert D. Haak. Historical probability and the narrative of Josiah's reform in 2 Kings / Lowell K. Handy. Harran : cultic geography in the neo-Assyrian empire and its implications for Sennacherib's 'Letter to Hezekiah' in 2 Kings / Steven W. Holloway. Joshua 7 : a reassessment of Israelite conceptions of corporate punishment / Joel S. Kaminsky. Ruth : an exercise in Israelite political correctness or a call to proper conversion? / Peter Theodore Nash. Samaria in the books of the eighth-century prophets / John J. Schmitt. Anat's warfare cannibalism and the West Semitic ban / Mark S. Smith. Priestly families (or factions) in Samuel and Kings / John R. Spencer. The monuments, the Babel-Bibel Streit and responses to historical criticism / Joel Sweek. Gösta Ahlström's History of Palestine / Thomas L. Thompson. Long live the king : historical fact and narrative fiction / Charles Ted Vehse.

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