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Leading Captivity Captive : "The Exile" as History and Ideology / Ed. by Lester L. Grabbe
Edited by Sheffield Academic Press. Sheffield GB - 1998
Introduction / Lester L. Grabbe. Die Exilszeit als Ernstfall für eine historische Rekonstruktion ohne biblische Texte : die neubabylonischen Königsinschriften als 'Primärquelle' / Rainer Albertz. Ezra's re-enactment of the exile / Bob Becking. Exile! What exile? : deportation and the discourses of diaspora / Robert P. Carroll. 'The exile' under the Theodolite : historiography as triangulation / Lester L. Grabbe. The exile in history and myth : a response to Hans Barstad / Thomas L. Thompson. The strange fear of the Bible : some reflections on the 'bibliophobia' in recent ancient Israelite historiography / Hans M. Barstad. Exile? What exile? Whose exile? / Philip R. Davies. Exile a period--exile a myth / Knud Jeppesen. Reflections on the discussion / Lester L. Grabbe.
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