Unprepared to entrepreneur : a method to the madness of starting your own business / Sonya Barlow


Barlow, Sonya (1992-....). Auteur

Edited by Kogan Page - 2021

"Times have changed: you can launch a successful enterprise with your phone, sell through social media and tap into a whole world of opportunities. Unprepared to Entrepreneur is an honest guide to launching your own business, sharing real stories from real people who have tested, failed and won at business. It profiles the underdogs, those who brainstormed ideas while travelling on the bus, started a business from their phone and managed to create three income streams while maintaining a full-time job in the city, to show you that you can do it too. From a working Google doc business plan to ideation strategies that live and die off Instagram engagement - they won't teach you this at business school. Sonya Barlow takes a look at the resilience needed to make it in business, the incredible tax on mental health and the non-negotiable steps to creating a viable business. This is the ultimate guide to side hustling, freelancing and entrepreneurial freedom."

Are you prepared to be an entrepreneur?. Entrepreneurship - nature or nurture?. Does your customer understand who you are?. Social media for your business. Converting your network into your net worth. Does teamwork make the dream work?. The three Ps of leadership: people, power, and purpose. Mind over matter. Shifting your money mindset. How to influence people and win clients. Eleven methods to the madness of starting your own business.

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