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Services Marketing / William Chitty, Steven D'Alessandro, David Gray [et al.]
Edited by Oxford University Press - 2019
La 4è de couv. indique : "Services Marketing, second edition, adopts a practical learning approach to develop your understanding of ho established and evolving service strategies can satisfy customers' service needs and wants. It explores the contributions that services make to national economies, and enables marketers to recognise and manage the marketing opportunities that arise from global service-based economies. This book demonstrates the need for services organisations to create customer value, and outilines the service strategies used by marketers to create that value. With contemporary case studies and industry insights that focus on the application of theory to real-life-situations, this text will guide you to becoming an succesful services marketer. New to this edition : Focused on the application of theory to practive, with an emphasis on the impact of electronic devices on services marketing in a post-GFC world ; New and updated chapters on : developing service products (Ch. 5) ; the service delivery process and self-service technology (Ch. 6) ; complaint handling and service recovery (Ch. 12) ; Updated to include relevant case studies and examples, including : emerging customer segmentation in banking ; Australian tourism and its economic impact ; centrelink debt recovery program (Robo debts) ; cyber security in the digital economy ; innovation in education services (Coursera) ; digital service in smart-home systems (Google Home)."