Principles of business & management : practicing ethics, responsibility, sustainability / Oliver Laasch.


Laasch, Oliver

This popular, UN-endorsed textbook supports introductory student learning of business and management alongside the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their '5Ps' prioritization of people, partnership, planet, peace and prosperity for all.

Part A: BasicsChapter 1: Management in ContextChapter 2: Management in PracticePart B: DimensionsChapter 3: Ethical ManagementChapter 4: Responsible ManagementChapter 5: Sustainable ManagementPart C: Modes of ManagementChapter 6: OrganizingChapter 7: BehavingChapter 8: FolleadingChapter 9: DecidingChapter 10: CommunicatingChapter 11: DigitalizingChapter 12: GlocalizingChapter 13: StrategizingChapter 14: InnovatingChapter 15: EntrepreneuringPart D: Management OccupationsChapter 16: Supply ManagementChapter 17: Operations ManagementChapter 18: Marketing ManagementChapter 19: People ManagementChapter 20: Accounting and ControllingChapter 21: Financial Management.

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