Control of a multi-degree of freedom worktool for vibrations assisted forging

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

Giraud-Audine, Christophe | Nguyen, Thanh-Hung | Amberg, Michel | Lemaire-Semail, Betty | Abba, Gabriel | Bigot, Régis

Edité par HAL CCSD ; IEEE

This paper addresses the control of a tool developed to superimpose vibrations along several directions on a piece during forging. Piezoelectric actuators are used to provide the required forces and speeds. Due to the minute displacements of the actuators, flexible hinges are used in a special arrangement in order realize the specified movements and to ensure controllability. The experimental results confirm the approach.. International audience. This paper addresses the control of a tool developed to superimpose vibrations along several directions on a piece during forging. Piezoelectric actuators are used to provide the required forces and speeds. Due to the minute displacements of the actuators, flexible hinges are used in a special arrangement in order realize the specified movements and to ensure controllability. The experimental results confirm the approach.

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