Influence of the SCC and the release agents on friction concrete/formwork - impact on the aesthetics concrete facing

Archive ouverte : Communication dans un congrès

Libessart, Laurent | Djelal, Chafika | Vanhove, Yannick | de Caro, Pascale | Dubois, Isabelle

Edité par HAL CCSD ; RILEM publication

Architects nowadays demand impeccable aesthetic qualities of demoulded rough concretes. New mix designs are increasingly complex, and a concrete mix characterization often limits the workability attributes, in the aim of providing an assessment of concrete behavior at the time of its placement. The aesthetics of concrete facings however also depend on the actual mix design, location and release agents used. This study focuses on analyzing the influence of self compacting concrete (SCC) and the choice of release agent on the evolution of frictional stresses at the concrete/formwork interface. A follow-up study has been conducted on the aesthetic quality of facings between an SCC and a concrete with additives, including mix designs with both mineral and vegetable oil. An analysis of shading color was also carried out over three periods, namely: 1 day, 2 days, and 7 days.

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