Bring your own device in organizations: Extending the reversed IT adoption logic to security paradoxes for CEOs and end users

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Baillette, Paméla | Barlette, Yves | Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Aurélie

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Elsevier

International audience. This research focuses on bring your own device (BYOD), i.e., the use of personal devices (laptops, tablets and smartphones) to fulfil organizational tasks. BYOD provides opportunities, including the possibility of working differently, for both CEOs and end users. However, BYOD involves high organizational and end user security risks. What are the benefits and risks for CEOs and end users of the reversed adoption logic of BYOD, and how can BYOD-related security paradoxes be overcome? A theoretical analysis is conducted with regard to the concept of the “reversed IT adoption logic” vs. the traditional IT adoption logic. This analysis highlights the security paradoxes linked to this reversed IT adoption and proposes means to overcome these paradoxes. If BYOD entails many opportunities, then it requires information security management to balance the induced risks for CEOs and users.

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