L’impact de l’influence sociale sur l’intention d’usage des objets connectés pour le sport

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Samhale, Khalid | Ladwein, Richard

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Société Française des Sciences de l'Information et de la Communication

International audience. The technology of the internet of Things (IoT) aims to make the physical objects around us connected to make a users’ life easier. The intended use of these connected things for sport is influenced by several factors, we have taken the most determining factors in the case of the internet of things for sport, the factors that the providers of this technology must take into consideration to attract users, to convince them of the added value of these objects and to moderate fears related to the confidentiality and security of personal data. However, the current literature still lacks studies specifically to each type of this technology. In this article, we study the determinants of the intention to use the internet of things for sport. The results of the study showed a strong impact of social influence on the perceived utility, perceived control and perceived credibility of the provider considered as determinants of the intention to use connected things for sport. In addition, perceived control and perceived utility had an impact on the perceived credibility of the provider. This integrated model provides further explanation of the user’s intentional behavior regarding the use the internet of Things for sport.

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