Combined networks regulating seed maturation

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Gutierrez, Laurent | van Wuytswinkel, Olivier | Castelain, Mathieu | Bellini, Catherine

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Elsevier

International audience. Seed maturation is an important phase of seed development during which embryo growth ceases, storage products accumulate, the protective tegument differentiates and tolerance to desiccation develops, leading to seed dormancy. The spatial and temporal regulation of all these processes requires the concerted action of several signaling pathways that integrate information from genetic programs, and both hormonal and metabolic signals. Recent genetic studies have identified some of the interactions that occur between four master regulators in Arabidopsis, increasing our knowledge of the control of the transcriptional program involved in seed maturation. Moreover, several recent breakthroughs have led to a better understanding of the role of abscisic acid signal modulation and the importance of metabolic regulation in the maternal to filial switch leading to the maturation phase.

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