Emotional information processing in first and recurrent major depressive episodes

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Nandrino, Jean-Louis | Dodin, Vincent | Martin, Pascaline | Henniaux, Maurice

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Elsevier

International audience. Depressive states are classically associated to increased sensitivity to negative events. However this hypersensitivity may not be stable in time, being absent in remission periods or further reinforced with recurrent depressive episodes, or may concern positive stimuli instead, e.g. in young depressive patients. To study the evolution of the processing of emotional information in depression we recorded late components of evoked potentials in first-episode and recurrent depressed patients before and after recovery. We used a visual attentional paradigm manipulating the processing of emotional information. Subjects first counted words with positive valence, and then words with negative valence from lists of usual words. The results showed that recurrent patients had increased P300 amplitudes for negative words selection only in negative words counting situation, while first-episode patients had decreased P300 amplitudes for positive words selection. After clinical improvement, the negative biases in recurrent patients group disappeared but P300 amplitudes of first-episode patients remained significantly low for positive words. First-episode depressed patients show a selective impairment for positive stimuli, with decreased response to pleasant stimuli, while recurrent depressive subjects show signs of hyperesthesia for negative stimuli. These results suggest that responses to emotional stimuli in word processing are related to the duration of the mood disorders.

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