PeaMUST (Pea MultiStress Tolerance), a multidisciplinary French project uniting researchers, plant breeders, and the food industry

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Carrillo Perdomo, Estefania | Burstin, Judith | Avia, Komlan | Lecomte, Christophe | Beji, Sana | Hanocq, Eric | Aubert, Grégoire | Tayeh, Nadim | Klein, Anthony | Geffroy, Valérie | Le Signor, Christine | Pflieger, Stéphanie | Dalmais, Marion | Desgroux, Aurore | Lavaud, Clément | Quillévéré‐hamard, Anne | Kreplak, Jonathan | Lejeune‐hénaut, Isabelle | Bourion, Virginie | Pilet‐nayel, Marie‐laure | Leveugle, Magalie | Pinochet, Xavier | Thompson, Richard

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Wiley

International audience. The French government has supported as part of its "Investments for the Future" program a 9-year research project, PeaMUST, devoted to pea and to a lesser extent, faba bean improvement. Focusing on the main causes of yield irregularity that limit pea and faba bean cultivation, an integrated approach, including molecular exploitation of the pea genome sequence, was applied to identify and incorporate favorable alleles and allele combinations in prebreeding material.

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Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Carrillo Perdomo, Estefania | 2022-10-19

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Genome-wide association study identifies favorable SNP alleles and candidat...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Beji, Sana | 2020-12

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Archive ouverte: Article de revue

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International audience

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Genome-wide association study identifies favorable SNP alleles and candidat...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Beji, Sana | 2020-12

International audience. Frost is a limiting abiotic stress for the winter pea crop (Pisum sativum L.) and identifying the genetic determinants of frost tolerance is a major issue to breed varieties for cold northern...

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Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Mazurier, Mélanie | 2022-07

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