The quality of work life of registered nurses in Canada and the United States: a comprehensive literature review

Archive ouverte : Article de revue

Nowrouzi, Behdin | Giddens, Emilia | Gohar, Basem | Schoenenberger, Sandrine | Bautista, Mary Christine | Casole, Jennifer

Edité par HAL CCSD ; Maney Publishing

International audience. Background: Workplace environment is related to the physical and psychological well-being, and quality of work life (QWL) for nurses.Objective: The aim of this paper was to perform a comprehensive literature review on nurses’ quality of work life to identify a comprehensive set of QWL predictors for nurses employed in the United States and Canada.Methods: Using publications from 2004–2014, contributing factors to American and Canadian nurses’ QWL were analyzed. The review was structured using the Work Disability Prevention Framework. Sixty-six articles were selected for analysis.Results: Literature indicated that changes are required within the workplace and across the health care system to improve nurses' QWL. Areas for improvement to nurses’ quality of work life included treatment of new nursing graduates, opportunities for continuing education, promotion of positive collegial relationships, stress-reduction programs, and increased financial compensation.Conclusions: This review’s findings support the importance of QWL as an indicator of nurses’ broader work-related experiences. A shift in health care systems across Canada and the United States is warranted where health care delivery and services are improved in conjunction with the health of the nurses working in the system.

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