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Devonian rhynchonellid brachiopods from the Ougarta area (western Sahara, A...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Brice, Denise | 2011-03-14

International audience. The description and study of rhynchonellid brachiopods recently collected from the Lower Devonian of the Ougarta area in western Algerian Sahara permitted the revision of previously described...

Recherches sur la flore mio-pliocène de la montagne d'Andance (Coiron-Ardèc...

Livre | Brice, Denise (19..-....). Auteur | 1963

Reassignment of Pentamerus davyi Oehlert to Zdimir robustus (Barrande) (Bra...

Archive ouverte: Article de revue

Ballevre, Michel | 2019-04

International audience. The brachiopod fauna of the Chalonnes Limestone (Armorican Massif, France) is famous because of the presence of large, thick-shelled species first described by Oehlert (1881). One of these sp...