Improving animal welfare : a practical approach / edited by Temple Grandin


Edited by CABI. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, Cambridge, MA - 2010

The importance of measurement to improve the welfare of livestock, poultry and fish / by Temple Grandin. Why is agricultural animal welfare important? The social and ethnical context / by Bernard Rollin. Implementing effective standards and scoring systems for assessing animal welfare on farms and slaughter plants / by Temple Grandin. The importance of good stockmanship and its benefits for the animals / by Jeffrey Rushen and Anne Marie dePassille. How to improve livestock handling and reduce stress / by Temple Grandin. Painful husbandry procedures in livestock and poultry / by Kevin J. Stafford and David J. Mellor. Welfare during transport of livestock and poultry / by Temple Grandin. Animal well-being and behavioral needs on the farm / by Lily Edwards. Improving livestock, poultry, and fish welfare in slaughter plants with auditing programs / by Temple Grandin. Recommended on-farm euthanasia practices / by Jennifer Woods, Jan K. Shearer, and Jeff Hill. The effect of economic factors on the welfare of livestock and poultry / by Temple Grandin. Improving animal welfare : practical approaches for achieving change / by Helen R. Whay and David C. Main. Practical methods for improving the welfare of horses, donkeys, and other working draught animals in developing areas / by Camie R. Heleski, Amy K. McLean, and Janice C. Swanson. Successful technology transfer of behavioral and animal welfare research to the farm and slaughter plant / by Temple Grandin. Why are behavioral needs important? / by Tina Widowski.

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