Behavioral business ethics : shaping an emerging field / edited by David De Cremer, Ann E. Tenbrunsel


Edited by Routledge. New York - 2012

"This book takes a look at how and why individuals display unethical behavior. It emphasizes the actual behavior of individuals rather than the specific business practices. It draws from work on psychology which is the scientific study of human behavior and thought processes. As Max Bazerman said, "efforts to improve ethical decision making are better aimed at understanding our psychological tendencies." "--Provided by publisher
"This book presents a collection of chapters that contribute significantly to the field of business ethics by promoting much needed insights into the motives that drive people to act ethically or unethically. It acknowledges that business ethics plays a pivotal role in the way business is conducted and adds insights derived from a behavioral view that will make us more aware of morality andprovide recommendations into how we can improve our actions"--Provided by publisher

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