Programming logic and design : introductory / Joyce Farrell


Farrell, Joyce. Auteur

Edited by Cengage Learning - 2018

"Prepare for programming success by learning the fundamental principles of developing structured program logic with Farrell’s PROGRAMMING LOGIC AND DESIGN: INTRODUCTORY, 9E. Widely used in foundational programming courses, this popular book takes a unique, language-independent approach to programming with a distinctive emphasis on modern conventions. Noted for its clear, concise writing style, the book eliminates highly technical jargon while introducing universal programming concepts and encouraging a strong programming style and logical thinking. Frequent side notes and Quick Reference boxes provide concise explanations of important programming concepts. Each chapter also begins with a list of objectives and provides a concise summary and a list of key terms. End-of-chapter practice offers multiple-choice review questions, programming and gaming exercises, debugging exercises, and a maintenance exercise that challenges you to improve the working logic presented." (source :

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