Real time : preparing for the age of the never satisfied customer / Regis McKenna


McKenna, Regis. Auteur

Edited by Harvard Business School Press. Boston, Mass. - 1997

The pace of change is speeding up: we get cash in seconds from ATMs, we watch wars unfold instantaneously on television. Almost all technology today compresses to zero the time we need to acquire information, to make decisions, to deploy resources and innovate. What does all this change mean to managers who want to lead their organizations successfully in the real time world? Speed - in terms of strategic thinking. Management must be prepared for the eventuality of anything - anytime, anywhere, and in-your-face. To compete in a real time world, says McKenna, managers must create a sensing organization that constantly monitors, feeds, queries, verifies, adjusts, tries, and initiates
The companies best equipped for the twenty-first century - Intuit, Federal Express, and McKesson Corporation, for instance - are seizing the opportunities that this real time reality presents. Their leaders understand that real time means exceptional responsiveness to customer expectations and ongoing adjustments to deliver. Fresh with inside stories from McKenna's own experience as entrepreneur and consultant to the world's most influential leaders, Real Time will move readers to think in new ways, act with lightning speed, and break sound barriers of innovation

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