The Earthscan Reader in Sustainable Consumption : Texte imprimé / edited by Tim Jackson


Edited by Earthscan. London, Sterling, Va. - 2006

Readings in sustainable consumption / Tim Jackson. Consumption from a human development perspective / United Nations Development Programme. Making sense of sustainable consumption / Nick Robins and Sarah Roberts. Consumption and its externalities : where economy meets ecology / Thomas Princen. Pursuing more sustainable consumption by analyzing household metabolism in European countries and cities / Henri C. Moll, Klaasjan Noorman, Rixt Kok...[et al.]. Accounting for sustainable consumption : a review of studies of the environmental impacts of households / Edgar G. Hertwich. Challenges for sustainable consumption policy / Tim Jackson. The dubious rewards of consumption / Alan Durning. The new commodity fetishism / Fred Hirsch. False connections / Alex Kotlowitz. Living more simply / Duane Eljin. Voluntary simplicity : characterization, select psychological implications and societal consequences / Amitai Etzioni. Learning Diderot’s lesson : stopping the upward creep of desire / Juliet Schor. The politics of sustainable consumption : the case of the Netherlands / Susan Martens and Gert Spaargaren. The poverty of morality / Daniel Miller. Relative poverty - relative communication / Mary Douglas. Two alternative economic models of why enough will never be enough / Kjell Arne Brekke and Richard B. Howarth. The evocative power of things : consumer goods and the preservation of hopes and ideals / Grant McCracken. Consuming goods and the good of consuming / Colin Campbell. Efficiency and consumption : technology and practice / Elizabeth Shove. Competing discourses of sustainable consumption : does the "rationalization of lifestyles" make sense?/ Kersty Hobson. Ethics of consumption/ Laurie Michaelis. Making ends meet - in the household and on the planet / Karl Dake and Michael Thompson. The costs and benefits of consuming/ Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. Consuming paradise? : towards a social and cultural psychology of sustainable consumption / Tim Jackson.

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