The travels of a t-shirt in the global economy : an economist examines the markets, power, and politics of world trade / Pietra Rivoli


Rivoli, Pietra. Auteur

Edited by John Wiley & Sons. Hoboken, N.J. - 2005

"In The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy, business professor Pietra Rivoli takes the reader on an around-the-world adventure to reveal the life story of her six-dollar T-shirt. Traveling from a West Texas cotton field to a Chinese factory, and from trade negotiations in Washington to a used clothing market in Africa, Rivoli examines international trade through the life story of this simple product. Combining a compelling story with substantive scholarship, Rivoli shows that both globalization's critics and its cheerleaders have oversimplified the world of international trade." "The Travels of a T-Shirt in the Global Economy uses a simple T-shirt to reveal the politics and the human side of the globalization debate. Within the fabric of every product are fascinating businesses, good and bad politics, revealing histories, and especially the hopes and dreams of real people. These people's stories - and the story of the T-shirt that ties them together - present the most nuanced look yet at the economics and politics of globalization."

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