Is there an ethicist in the house? : on the cutting edge of bioethics / Jonathan D. Moreno


Moreno, Jonathan D. Auteur

Edited by Indiana University Press - 2005

"In this timely book, Jonathan D. Moreno discusses some of the most important issues in clinical ethics today. Moreno argues that moral values emerge out of human experience, a view that creates a compelling conceptual framework for bioethics." "To begin, Moreno recalls his experience as a hospital ethicist and how that shaped his understanding of what bioethics is about, both in theory and in practice. He then turns his focus to a difficult moral paradox: the need to advance medical knowledge by using human beings in research. Noting that American medicine has reached a strong protectionist approach to managing this paradox, Moreno calls our attention to vulnerable groups whose circumstances demand that we reflect on the way research using human subjects should be approached in the future."--Jaquette

Is there an ethicist in the house?. Call me doctor? Confessions of a hospital philosopher. Arguing euthanasia. Bioethics is a naturalism. Ethics consultation as moral engagement. Ethics by committee: the moral authority of consensus. Goodbye to all that: the end of moderate protectionism in human subjects research. Convenient and captive populations. Regulation of research in the decisionally impaired. "The only feasible means": the Pentagon's ambivalent relationship with the Nuremberg code. Reassessing the influence of the Nuremberg code on American medical ethics. Cancer, truth, and genetics. Neuroethics: an agenda for neuroscience and society. Bioethics after the terror. Another impossible profession.

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