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Shakespearean tragedy : lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth / A...

Livre | Bradley, Andrew Cecil (1851-1935). Auteur | 1991

A Midsummer night's dream / ed. by Richard Dutton

Livre | 1996

Shakespeare's sonnets and poems : a very short introduction / Jonathan F. S...

Livre | Post, Jonathan F. S. (1947-....) - professeur de littérature. Auteur | 2017

"Of all Shakespeare's great canon of work, it is his sonnets and poems which include the fullest exploration and expression of the themes of love, lust, and the consequences of desire. In this "Very Short Introduction" Jonathan Po...

Shakespeare : les feux de l'envie / René Girard

Livre | Girard, René (1923-2015) - essayiste. Auteur | 1990

A companion to Shakespeare studies / edited by Harley Granville-Barker and ...

Livre | 1960

The life of Shakespeare / J.W. Mackail. The theatres and companies / C.J. Sisson. Shakespeare's dramatic art / Harley Granville-Barker. Shakespeare the poet / George Rylands. Shakespeare and Elizabethan English / G.D. Willcock. Sh...

Shakespeare's King Lear / Peter Davies

Livre | Davies, Peter (1943-....). Auteur | 2006

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