When cultures collide : leading across cultures / Richard D. Lewis


Lewis, Richard D. (1930-....). Auteur

Edited by Nicholas Brealey international - 2006

La quatrième de couverture indique : "A major new edition to the classic work that revolutionized the way business is conducted across cultures and around the globe. Capturing the rising influence of culture and the seismic changes throughout many regions of the world, cross-cultural expert and international businessman Richard Lewis has significantly broadened the scope if his seminal work on global business and communication. Now covering more than 60 countries and every major region in the world, this thoroughly updated and expanded third edition of When Cultures Collide continues to break new ground. New chapters on more than a dozen countries -from Iraq, Israel and pakistan to Serbia, Colombia and Venezuela- vastly broaden the range. Building on his powerful LMR model, Lewis gives leaders and managers practical strategies to embrace differences and work successfully across increasingly diverse business cultures."

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