Preventing stress in organizations : how to develop positive managers / Emma Donaldson-Feilder, Joanna Yarker and Rachel Lewis


Donaldson-Feilder, Emma. Auteur

Edited by Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester, West Sussex, UK, Malden, MA - 2011

Introduction. Why managing stress is important : the business, legal, and moral reasons. How to manage work-related stress. Developing a framework to promote positive manager behaviour. Respectful and responsible : managing emotions and having integrity (Management Competency 1). Managing and communicating existing and future work (Management Competency 2). Managing the individual within the team (Management Competency 3). Reasoning/managing difficult situations (Management Competency 4). Overcoming barriers to positive manager behaviour. Supporting managers to change their behaviour. Is stress management just good management?. The way forward.

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