The philosophical and theological foundations of ethics : an introduction to moral theory and its relation to religious belief / Peter Byrne,...


Byrne, Peter (1950-....) - philosophe. Auteur

Edited by St. Martin's Press - 1992

This book explores the central issues of moral philosophy with a view to giving an account of the relation between religious belief and ethics. It examines the definition of morality and defends the idea that there is something called moral knowledge that all human beings possess. It grounds moral knowledge in conscience as rooted in our experience of making choices and of the moral structure of human relationships. It examines the moral structure of human action. Central chapters are devoted to the three major forms of moral theory current in contemporary philosophy. Each theory is related to a morally relevant facet of action. A virtues-based theory of the good and the right is defended as giving the best overall account of the structure of moral knowledge. Two final chapters apply this theory to the intellectual problems of secular and religious ethics respectively

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