Luxury and fashion marketing : the global perspective / Satyendra Singh


Singh, Satyendra. Auteur

Edited by Routledge - 2021

The globalization of the world’s markets has forced luxury brands to, in turn, become global and accessible in many developing countries and emerging markets. As a result, the demand for these luxury products has increased globally, creating a need for an education in luxury that acknowledges the global perspective yet, at the same time, incorporates subtle regional nuances into luxury and fashion marketing. Keeping this global and regional perspective, Luxury and Fashion Marketing: The Global Perspective examines the elements of luxury marketing that contribute to superior luxury brand performance. Specifically, this volume focuses on mission statements, logos, airport retailing, franchising, challenges in luxury marketing, fashion relating to politics, environment, and beachwear, and case studies on luxury brands and emerging markets. Luxury and Fashion Marketing: The Global Perspective is unique in that it is written in a simple and engaging style to explain the theories and concepts of luxury in relation to the ordinary in the global context. Each chapter has to-do activities, making the book essential reading for students, trainers, and practitioners interested in luxury and fashion marketing and management.

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