Leadership classics / [edited by] J. Timothy McMahon


Edited by Waveland Press. Long Grove, Ill. - 2010

SECTION I THE PROCESS AND ROLES OF LEADERSHIP. The Nature and Tasks of Leadership / John W. Gardner. Skills of an Effective Administrator / Robert L. Katz. Managerial Roles / Henry Mintzberg. Reframing Leadership / Lee G. Bolman and Terrence E. Deal. What Leaders Really Do / John Kotter. SECTION II LEADERSHIP TRAITS. Confucius' Values-Based Leadership / Juan Antonio Fernandez. Personal Factors Associated with Leadership / Ralph M. Stogdill. Leadership Run Amok / Scott W. Spreier, Mary H. Fontaine, Ruth Malloy. Managers and Leaders: Are They Different? / Abraham Zaleznik. Leadership: Do Traits Matter? / Shelley A. Kirkpatrick and Edward. A. Locke. The Leadership Mystique / Manfred Kets de Vries. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership / Daniel Goleman. Narcissist Leaders: The Incredible Pros, the Inevitable Cons / Michael Maccoby. SECTION III LEADERSHIP BEHAVIOR CONCEPTS. Autocratic vs. Democratic Leadership / Ralph K. White and Ronald Lippitt. Conceptual Contributions of the Ohio State Leadership Studies / Chester A. Schriesheim and Barbara J. Bird. Leadership Implications of Personality Development / Chris Argyris. Leadership and the Nature of Man / Douglas McGregor-- The Managerial Grid / Robert Blake and Jane Mouton. A Four Factor Theory of Leadership / David G. Bowers and Stanley E. Seashore. Servant Leadership: Its Origin, Development and Application / Sen Sendjaya and James C. Sarros. The Leader Member Attribution Process / Mark J. Martinko and William L. Gardner. A Theory of Charismatic Leadership / Robert J. House. From Transactional to Transformational Leadership / Bernard M. Bass. SECTION IV SITUATIONAL APPROACHES TO LEADERSHIP. How to Choose a Leadership Pattern / Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt. Contingency Theory of Leadership / Roya Ayman, Martin Chemers, Fred Fiedler. Life Cycle Theory of Leadership / Paul Hersey and Kenneth H. Blanchard. 3-D Theory of Managerial Effectiveness / W. J. Reddin. Path-Goal Theory of Leadership / Robert J. House. Leadership and Decision-Making / Victor Vroom and Arthur Jago. Motivation, Leadership and Organization: Do American Theories Apply Abroad? / Geert Hofstede. SECTION V LEADERSHIP, POWER AND INFLUENCE. Machiavelli and Leadership / Richard P. Calhoon. Leadership Power Bases / John R. P. French, Jr. and Bertram Raven. Leadership Role-Making and Leader-Member Exchange / George Graen and James F. Cashman. Power Acquisition and Retention / Gerald R. Salancik and Jeffrey Pfeffer. Leadership: The Art of Empowering Others / Jay A. Conger. Goodbye, Command and Control / Margaret Wheatley. SECTION VI ENHANCING LEADERSHIP EFFECTIVENESS. Conditions for Effective Leadership / Douglas McGregor. How Leaders Embed and Transmit Culture / Edgar Schein. The Deming Leadership Method / Nicholas J. Mauro. Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership / James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner-- The Discipline of Personal Mastery / Peter Senge. How I Learned to let my Workers Lead / Ralph Stayer. Principle-Centered Leadership / Stephen R. Covey. Leader Behaviors and Organization Performance / Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman. Managing Oneself / Peter Drucker. Level 5 Leadership / Jim Collins. Leadership and Execution / Larry Bossidy and Ram Charan. Crucibles of Leadership / Warren G. Bennis and Robert J. Thomas. Try Feedforward Instead of Feedback / Marshall Goldsmith. Authentic Leadership / Bill George.

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