Social networks at work / edited by Daniel J. Brass, Stephen P. Borgatti


Edited by Routledge - 2020

"Social Networks at Work provides the latest thinking, from top-notch experts, on social networks as they apply to industrial and organizational psychology. Each chapter provides an in-depth review along with discussions of future research and managerial implications of the social network perspective. Altogether, the volume illustrates the importance of adding a social capital perspective to the traditional human capital focus of I/O psychology. The volume is organized into two groups of chapters: the first seven chapters focus on specific network concepts (such as centrality, affect, negative ties, multiplexity, cognition, and structural holes) applied across a variety of topics. The remaining eight chapters focus on common I/O topics (such as personality, creativity, turnover, careers, person-environment fit, employment, teams and leadership) and examine each from a network perspective, applying a variety of network concepts to the topic. This volume is suited for students and academics interested in applying a social-network perspective to their work, as well as for practicing managers. Each topic area provides a useful review and guide for future research, as well as implications for managerial action"--

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