Economics of monetary union / Paul De Grauwe,...


De Grauwe, Paul (1946-....). Auteur

Edited by Oxford university press - 2020

This thirteenth edition of this established textbook examines the monetery union through theory, empirical analysis, and policy implications allowing you to develop a balanced understanding of different arguments and perspectives. De Grauwe brings rich detail and clarify to the subject, ensuring that you understand the content. Each chapter concludes with questions and further sample essay questions hosted online, giving you opportunities to practise for assessments. New to this edition : - Updated evaluation of the new fiscal rules that the EU authorities have introduced since the sovereign debt crisis ; - Further coverage on the quantitative easing measures introduced by the European Central Bank ; - New discussion of green money and safe assets. Online resources This book is supplemented by a suite of online resources for both students and lecturers, including links tu useful further reading.

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