Principles and practice of marketing / David Jobber and Fiona Ellis-Chadwick


Jobber, David (1947-). Auteur | Ellis-Chadwick, Fiona. Auteur

Edited by McGraw-Hill Higher Education - 2020

La 4è de couv. indique : "The ninth edition of McGraw-Hill s leading textbook, Principles and Practice of Marketing, provides a contemporaryand modern introduction to marketing. Covering the importance of customer value alongside the 4Ps, thisauthoritative text provides students with a core understanding of the wider context of marketing operations withincompanies, illustrated with innovative examples of marketing in practice. It has been updated with the latestdevelopments, such as trends towards social and ethical marketing and cutting-edge technological change.Find out: The crucial role that retail plays in promoting the economic and social health of towns and cities; How Maltesers won the Channel 4 TV competition championing diversity and disability; How companies are using social media influencers to promote their brands; How data analytics and artificial intelligence are refocusing Harley Davidson s marketing strategy; How Manchester City FC is innovating in high-tech marketing and co-creation. Key Features: A brand-new chapter on Digital Marketing, and a focus on technology throughout the text; A structure that focuses on the importance of Customer Value; Fully updated to reflect the latest technologies and digital developments; New and updated Marketing in Action boxes and Mini Cases, focusing on European and Globalcompanies including Amazon, Pandora, Zara and IKEA; 44 new and updated end-of-chapter cases provide insights across a range of businessesincluding high street fashion stores and supermarkets (Burberry, Nordstrom, Coop Danmark,H&M), Airlines and services (EasyJet, Starbucks) and high-tech operations (Apple, eSports,Toyota), as well as important developments, such as place marketing and social media influencers; Fully updated and streamlined pedagogy, including refocused recommended readings at the endof each chapter, encouraging expanded knowledge."

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