Post-capitalist futures : paradigms, politics, and prospects / Samuel Alexander, Sangeetha Chandrashekeran, Brendan Gleeson, editors


Alexander, Kern (1939-....). Éditeur scientifique | Chandrashekeran, Sangeetha. Éditeur scientifique | Gleeson, Brendan (1964-....). Éditeur scientifique

Edited by Palgrave Macmillan - 2022

As the crises of capitalism continue to intensify, radical thinkers must conjure realistic and inspirational alternative futures beyond this failing social order. This book presents a stimulating array of essays exploring such post-capitalist futures. With contributions and perspectives from the Global North and Global South, central topics include ecosocialism, ecofeminism, degrowth, community economies, and the Green New Deal. There are also chapters offering analyses of land, energy, technology, universal basic services, and (re)localisation of economies. The book is in three parts. The first presents various alternative paradigms for thinking about and working toward post-capitalist futures. The second section offers perspectives on alternative governance strategies and approaches for post-capitalist futures. The closing section gathers various analyses of post-capitalist geographies and resistance. Going beyond critique and instead envisioning alternative imaginaries, this collection should challenge and inspire readers to think and act upon the range of possibilities immanent in our crisis-ridden present.

Introduction. Part I: Alternative Paradigms for Post-Capitalist Futures. The Race to Replace a Dying Neoliberalism. Ecosocialism from a Post-development Perspective. Post-Capitalism Now: A Community Economies Approach. Collective Sufficiency: Degrowth as a Political Project. China: Capitalism and Change?. Part II: Governing for Post-Capitalist Futures. From Technological Utopianism to Universal Basic Services. Ecofeminist Political Economy: Critical Reflections on the Green New Deal. The Macroeconomics of Degrowth: Can Planned Economic Contraction be Stable?. Post-capitalist Techno-futures Beyond Instrumental Utopianism. Crises, COVID, and the Climate State. Part III: Post-Capitalist Geographies and Resistance. Localisation the World Beyond Capitalism. Indigenous Australians and their Lands: Post-capitalist Development Alternatives. Environmental Justice Movements as Mediums of Post-capitalist Futures: Perspectives from India. Careful Thinking Pensar Cuidando Henvupen Yaconso.

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