Standing on principles : collected essays / Tom L. Beauchamp


Beauchamp, Tom L. (1939-....). Auteur

Edited by Oxford University Press - 2010

The origins and evolution of the Belmont Report. Codes, declarations, and other ethical guidance for human subjects research : the Belmont Report. The four principles approach to health care ethics. Informed consent : its history and nature. Who deserves autonomy and whose autonomy deserves respect?. The concept of paternalism in biomedical ethics. When hastened death is neither killing nor letting die. The exploitation of the economically disadvantaged in pharmaceutical research. Principles and other emerging paradigms for bioethics. A defense of the common morality. From morality to common morality. On eliminating the distinction between applied ethics and ethical theory. Does ethical theory have a future in bioethics?. The failure of theories of personhood. Looking back and judging our predecessors.

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